Fort Boonesborough Settlers

"Bluegrass Roots," published by the Kentucky Genealogical Society, reprinted an article by H. Thomas Tudor about the "Early Settlers of Fort Boonesborough." The article was published in Volume 5, No. 1, p. 1-14. The bibliography was published in a later issue. The references are reproduced here. I DO NOT know where to obtain these references.

I typed and sent this list to several internet listservers in 1994; I notice that it is being used at several websites [which is OK].

Please read the following regarding those settlers "killed:"

"Looking at your list of Boonesborough settlers - I see the list which was taken from the back of an early petition from Ky to the Va. legislature. I have seen a copy of the original petition, and someone has confused the list which designated persons "taken" vs. persons "killed." These names appear in two columns on the back of the petition. In pioneer use, "taken" meant captured and someone has not taken that into account. The list has people killed who were alive and well (and suing each other) decades later. Just looking at the C's: Jesse Coker (Jesse Cofer/Copher) was one of Daniel Boone's saltmakers who was captured in 1778 and returned to Kentucky. There are many, many more persons listed as "killed" who were not. .." from Anne Crabb, Pioneer Kentucky and Fort Boonesborough researcher, Draper Manuscripts researcher

Find surnames beginning with the following letters:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U-V, W, X, Y, Z


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Copyrighted © 1996 by Don Chesnut.


1) List of names from court depositions in Madison County Court House, 1801-1806, 1807, 1811, 1814, made by the pioneers at Boonesborough.

2) "French Tipton Papers," Kentucky Room, Eastern Kentucky University Library.

3) Petition from Fort Boonesborough in regard to Land Titles, October 14, 1779.

4) Petition from Boone's Fort, October 15, 1779.

5) "Fort Boonesborough" by Judge Wiliam Chenault, written for Courier-Journal, August 28, 1898.

6) _History of Kentucky_ by Collins--a listing of Capt. John Holder's Company at Boonesborough, June 10, 1779.

7) _Colonel Richard Henderson's Journal_ at Fort Boonesborough--1775.

8) Draper Papers--Kentucky Series "CC," Vol 29, page 59--"Association of the Settlers of Boonesborough in 1779 for making a crop of corn."

9) "Convention of 1775 at Boonesborough"--minutes published June 6, 1840, in _Louisville News Letter_.

10) Claims approved by Land Court Meeting at Boonesborough, December 18, 1779, to January 5, 1780. (Taken from Kentucky Historical Society, "Certified Book of Virginia Land Commissions, Register

XVI., Sept., 1923, p. 10.

11) "Personnel of Transylvania Company" by Julia Alves Clore, from _Kentucky Progress_, Summer, 1935.

12) Monument erected by Boonesborough Chapter, Daughters of American Revolution which names some of the original settlers.

13) Notebook prepared by Anna Turley Noland, a direct descendant of Capt. David Gass, on "Black" family and related families, pp. 37-38.

14) Family records on "Goff" family in possession of Mrs. William D. Clark, Route 5, Winchester, Kentucky, 40391, a direct descendant of Thomas Goff.

15) Family record on "Vassar" and "Brandenburg" family in possession of Mrs. Frank Congleton Sr., Richmond, Ky, whose husband and sons are direct descendants of Joel Vassar.

16) Family records of "Hooten" family in possession of Alene Lipscomb Tudor, (Mrs. H. Thomas) a direct descendant of William Hooten and Catherine George, his wife, both of whom were at Fort Boonesborough. Also see _Hooten_ and _Allied Families_, Doyle Collection, City Library, Winchester, Kentucky.

17) _The Boone Family, A Genealogical History of the Descendants of George and Mary Boone_, by Hazel Atterbury Spraker, 1923.

18) _Register of Kentucky Historical Society_, Vol. 45, No. 151, April, 1947.

19) "Phelps Family" notes by Mary Ann Collins Stokes (Mrs. L. Duncan), 4022 St. Ives Court, Louisville, Kentucky, 40207.

20) Deposition of John Conway, sent to me by Jon [] on 16 Jan 2002.

Please do not respond to me concerning these sources; I don't have them; I'm just duplicating the references.


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