Scottish Septs, etc.

The lists here are organized two ways:

Part A is sorted by surname within clan or family name;

Part B is sorted by surname first followed by the clan or family name that claims the surname.

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Copyrighted © 1996 by Don Chesnut.

Part A. Surname within Clan or Family Name

ARMSTRONG Armstrong, Crosier, Fairburn, Grozier, Nixon, Kinmont

BAILLIE Balliol, Baillie, Bailie of Lanarkshire

BELL Baeill, Bail, Bailes, Baill, Bails, Bale, Bales, Ball, Bayle, Bayles, Beal, Beale, Beales, Beall, Bealles, Bealls, Beals, Beel, Beele, Beeles, Beels, Behel, Bell, Beil, Beill, Beils, Bel, Bell, Biehl, Biel, Biels, Bihel, Bile, Biles, Bill

BROUN Brown, Brun, Braun, Broon, Browne, Brune, Braune, Broone

BUCHANAN Bohanon, Colemanm Cormack, Cousland, Dewar, Donleavy, Dove, Dow, Gibb, Gibby, Gibbon, Gibson, Gilbert, Gilbertson, Harper, Leavy, Lennie, Macaldonich, Macalman, Macadeoir, Macaslan, Macauselan, MacCalman,MacCalmont, MacCammond, MacCasland, MacCruiter, MacColman, MacColwan, MacCormack, MacCommon, MacCoubrey, MacCubbie, MacCubbin, MacDonleavy, MacGeorge, MacGibbon, MacGilbert, MacGreusich, MacGubbin, MacInally, MacIndeor, MacIndoe, MacKibb, MacKinlay, MacMaster, MacMaurice, MacMorris, MacMurchie,MacMurphy, Macneur, MacQuat, MacQua ttiey, MacQuinten, MacWattie, MacWhirter, MacWhorter, Mastes , MacWhitty, Morrice, Morris, Morrison, Murchie, Murchi son, Richardson, Risk, Rusk, Spittal, Walter, Wason,Waters, Watson, Watt, Watters, Weir, Yule, Yuill, Zuill

CAMPBELL Arthur, Ballentine, Burns, Calder, Harris, Hastings, Keller, Loudoun, Moore, Thompson

CHISHOLM Chisholm, Chisham, Chisum, Chism

COCHRAN(E) Cochrane, Cochran, Caughran, Cocheran, Cockran, Cockrum, Cohran, Cockram, Corcoran, Cowran

DONNACHAIDH Robertson, Duncan, McInroy, Reid

DOUGLAS Agnew, Blacklock, Blackstock, Blakwood, Blalock, Brown, Brownlee, Cavan, Cavers, Dickey, Drysdale, Forest, Forrester, Foster, Gilpatrick, Glendinning, Glenn, Hamilton, Inglis, Kilgore, Kilpatrick, Kirkland, Kirkpatrick, Lockerby, Lockery, MacGuf fey, MacGuffock, McKittrick, Morton, Sandilands, Sandli n, Soule, Sterrett, Symington, Troup, Young

DRUMMOND Begg, Beggs, Brewer, Brough, Cargill, Carrigle, Child, Childs, Doak, Dock, Doig, Drenn, Drennan, Drinn, Drinnan, Drimman, Drimmen, Drinnan, Drummond, Dryman, Drynen, Drymen, Grewer, Grimmond, Maccrowder, Maccrowder, Maccrowther, Macgrewar, Macgrewer, Macgrotie, Macgrottie, Macgroty, Macgrotty, Macgrouter, Macgrouther, Macgruder, Macgruer, Macgruther, Macgruthar, Macrobie, Macrobbie, Macroby, Macrobby, Macruder, Macstrawder, Mashette, Mushet, Mushette

DUNBAR Home, Dundas, Corbett, Clugston, Nesbit, Washington, Nevill, Strickland, Herying, Gray

FARQUARHARSON Christie [info from Marg. Conrad]

FERGUSSON Fergus, Macfurgus, Fergie, Fergushill, Forgie, Ferrar, Ferrie, Ferries, Ferris, Keddy, Keddie, Kiddie, MacAdie, MacKeddie, MacKerras, MacKersey, MacKersie

FORRESTER Forrester, Forrister, Forester, Forister, Forster, Foster, Forrest, Forest

FRASER Abernethy, Biser, Bissett, Brewster, Cowie, Frasier, Frazer, Frew, Frezel, Frisell, Gilruth, Gilroy, Grewer, Kim, Lovat, MacGillrick, MacGrewar, MacIlarick, MacIlriach, Macimmey, MacKeeman, MacKim, MacShimmie, MacSimon, MacTavish, Oliver, Revey, Salton, Sim, Simeson, Simon, Simpkins, Simpson, Sims, Simes, Twaddel, Tweddel, Tweeddale, Tweedie, Tweedy

GALBRAITH Galbraith, Gilbreath, Gilreath, Calbreath, Culbreath

GILLEAN MacLean, MacLaine, Maclain, Maclane, Beath, Beaton, Black, Gillean, Huei, Lain, Lean, MacBeath, MacBee, MacBeth, MacCormick, MacCraken, MacFayden, MacGillivray, MacVey, Padon, Patton, Peden, Rankan GRAHAM Airth, Auchinloich, Kilpatrich, Allardyce, Ballewen, Blair, Bonar, Bonnar, Bonner, Bontein, Bontine, Buchlyrie, Buntain, Buntin,Bunting,Conyers, MacShillie, MacIlvern, Menteith, Montrose, Monzie, Pye, Pyatt, Pyott, Pitcairn, Orchille, Rednock, Sirowan, Duchray, Dugalston, Drumaguhassie, Esbank, Fintry, Glenny, Hadden, Haldane, Lingo, MacGibbon, MacGil vernock

GUNN Enrick, Galche, Gallie, Granson, Gaulche, Gaunson, Georgeson, Henderson, Inrig, Jameson, Jamieson,Johnson, Kean, Keene, MacComas, MacCorkill, MacCorkle, Maccullie, MacIan, MacKames, MacKeamish, MacKean, MacMains, MacManus, Macomish, MacRob, MacWilliam, Magnus, Main, Mann, Manson, Manus, Neilson, Nelson, Robinsons, Robison, Robson, Sandison, Swan, Swann, Swanne y, Swanson, Will, Williamson, Wills, Wilson, Wylie, Wyllie

HANNA Hanna, Hannah, Hannay

HARLE Harl, Harls, Harles, Harley, Harllee, Herle, de Herle, Harrel, Harrell

HAY Hay, Hayes, Haynes, Constable, Delgatie, Erroll, Gifford, Leith, MacGarra, Peebles, Turriff

INNES Dinnes, Ennis, Inch, Inie, Innis, Macrob, Mactary,Marnoch, Maver, Mavor, Middleton, Mill, Milneis, Mitchell, Mitchelson, Oynie, Redford, Reidford, Wilson, Yunie.

KEITH Austin, Dickson, Dixon, Dickson, Falconer, Harvey, Hervey, Haxton, Lumgair, MacKeith, Marshall, Urie.

KENNEDY Canaday, Cannadie, Carrick, Cassels, Cassillis, Kanaday, Kanady, Kennedy, Kenedy, MacUlric, MacWalrich

LESLIE Abernethy, Bartholomew, Carnie, Lang, More (Moore)

LINDSAY Crawford [Clan Crawford says this is not true], Byers, Cobb, Deuchars, Downie, Fotheringham, Rhind, Summers, Sumner.

MACBEAN Bain, Bane, Bayn, Bayne, Bean, Beanie, Ben, Beene, MacBain, MacBane, MacBayne, MacBean, MacBeth, Macilvain, Macvane, MacVain, McBain, McBean, McBeath, McBee.

MACBETH MacBeth, Beaty,Baty, Beaton, Beath, Beltone, Bethunbe, MacFinaly,Forrester,Leach


MACDOUGALL Carmichael, Conacher, Cowan, Dougall, Livingston(e), MacCon cher, MacCowan, MacCoul, MacCulloch, MacDowell,MacDolothe, MacHowall, MacKirchen, MacLucas, MacLucash.

MACDUFEE MacDuffee, MacFie, MacPhee, McAfee, Fee, MacGuffey, Duffee, Mahaffey, Cathie

MACFIE Cathie, McAfee, McAfie,MacAfie, McAphie, McCaffrey, McCaff erty, MacCuish, MacCowis, McDiffie, Macdoffy, McDuffie, MacDuf fie, Duffy, M'Duffie, Dufacius, Makdufie, MacDhubsite, McFeit he, Makfethe, McFie, MacFie, McFeye, Fee, McFee, McGuff ie, MacGuffie, MacHaffie, Mahaffy, McIphie, McPhee, MacPhe e, McPhie, McPhier, Macphied.

MACGILL MacGill, MaGill, McGill, Gills

MACGILLIVRAY Gilray, Gilroy, Gilvray, MacGillivoor, MacGilroy, MacGilvra, MacGilvray, Macilroy, Macilvrae, Milroy, Roy.

MACINTYRE MacIntyre, McIntire, McEntyre

MACKAY Allen, Nain, Nayne, Kay, Keay, Kee, Key, Kie, MacBain, MacCaw, Maccaiodh, MacCoy, MacEye, MacGaw, MacGee, MacGeehee, MacGhee, MacGhie, MacKai, MacKay, MacKee, MacKey, Mackie, MacKoy, MacPhail, MacQuade, MacQue, MacQuey, MacQuoid, MacVail, Magee, McCay, McCoy, McFall, McGee, McKay, McKee, McKey, Mckie, McPhail, McQuaid, McQuade, Morgan, Neilson, Nelson, Paul, Paulson, Pole, Poleson, Pollard, Quay, Quey, Reay, Scobie, Williamson.

MACKINNON MacKinney, MacKinning, MacKinven, Love, MacMorran

MACLAREN Law, Lawson, MacRory, Lawrence, Lawrie, Patterson, Paterson, Low, Lowe, Lowry, Wright

MACLENNAN Loban, Logan, MacAlinion, McLendon, MacLyndon, Leonard, Lenane, MacAlinden, Linden, MacLenaghan, MacLendon, MacClelland*, Clelland*, Macwilnane, Winan, Winning, Gilfinan, Gilfinan, Gilfillan, MacAlonan, Lennon, MacLennan, McLennan. [*According to the Clan Cleland, they are not affiliated with this group, but are a group in their own right.]

MACMILLAN MacMillan, McMillan, MaBaxter, Baxter, Bell, Blue, Brown, Broun, MacElmeel, MacMeil, MacNamiel, Melanson, Walker, Waulker

MACNAB Abbott, Dewar, Gilfillan, Abbotson, Abbottson, Macandeoir, Bain, Gilliland, MacClelland*, Clelland*, Gow, MacClure, Dewars on, Killie, MacGeorge, Dow, MacALpine, MacGowan, Gilland, MacClagan, MacNair. [*According to the Clan Cleland, they are not affiliated with this group, but are a group in their own right.]

MACNEIL McNeill, MacNiel, McNeill, McNeely, MacNeil, Neal, MacNeal, Neilson

MACPHERSON Archibald, Clerk, Ferson, Gowdie, MacCleary, MacGowan, MacLei sh, MacMurdoch, Murdoson, Cattanach, Clunie, Gillespie, Gow, MacCleish, MacKeith, MacLise, MacVail, Parsons, Carson, Currie, Gillie, Gowan, MacCurry, MacLeary, MacLunie, MacVurich, Pearson, CLark, Ellis, Gillies, Leary, MacGillis, MacLea r, MacMurdo, Murdo, Pherson, Clarksom, Ellison, Gillis, Lees, MacCurrach, MacLerie, MacMurich, Murdock, Smith.

MacTAVISH: Campbell, Cash, Fraser, Kash, MacCamish, MacCash, MacCavish, MacCosh, MacTammany [MacTammany officially removed from the Clan MacTavish sept list, Patrick Thompson, Chief's Lieutenant, Clan MacTavish], MacTavish, MacTeague, Stephens, Stephenson, Stevens, Stevenson, Tawesson, Teague, Thom, Thomas, Thomason, Thomasson, Thompson, Thomson, Todd [information on MacTAVISH send in by Patricia Adams,, Clan MacTavish webpage [warning, plays music when you go there].

MACTHOMAS Combie, McColm, McComas, McComb, McCombe, McCombie, McComie, McComish, MacOmie, MacOmish, Tam, Thom, Thoms, Thomas, Thomson, Thomasson.

MACTIRE Mactire, Mactyre, Mactier, Mactear, McTire, McTyre, McTyiere, McTyrie, McTyree, Tyrie, Tyree

MARJORIBANKS Marchbanks, Marchbank, Marshbanks

MAXWELL Adair, Blackstock, Dinwiddie, Edgar, Herries, Kirk, Kirkland, MacKittrick, Maxton, Mescall, Monreith, Moss, Nithsdale, Paulk, Peacock, Polk, Pollock, Sturgeon, Wardlaw.

MOFFAT Moffatt, Moffett, Mofitt, Maffatt, Maffett, Maffitt.

MORRISION Morrison, Morison, Gilmour, Gilmore, Murrison.

MOWAT Mowat, Mowatt, Mout, Mouat, Mowait, Mowaite, Mwat.

MUNRO Munn, Munroe, Monro, Monroe, Foulis, MacCulloch, Vass, Dingwa ll, Maclullich, McCullich.

MURRAY Murray, Balneaves, Neaves, Dinsmore, Dunsmore, Fleming, Moray, Murrie, Piper, Pyper, Smail, Smale, Small, Smeal, Spalding.

POLLOCK Pollok, Pook, Polk, Polke, Paulk, Poalk, Poalke, Poulk, Poolke, Pogue.

RAMSAY Ramsay, Dalhousie, Ramsey

ROSS Anderson, Andison, Andrews, Corbett, Crowe, Croy, Deas, Denoon, Dingwall, Dithie, Fair, Fearn, Gillanders, Hagart, Haggar t, Lockhart, MacAndrew, McCullie, McCulloch, McLullich, MacTag gert, MacTear, MacTier, MacTyre, Mitchell, Taggart, Tarrel l, Tullo, Tulloch, Vass, Wass, Waters.

SCOTT Geddes, Laidlaw, Langlands, Buccleuch.

SHAW Shaw, Ayson, Adamson, Esson, MacAy, MacHay, Shiach, Sheach, Sheath, Seith, Seth, Skaith, Scaith, Shay.

SKENE Carriston, Dyas, Dyce, Hall, Hallyard.

SUTHERLAND Cheyne, Duffus, Gray, Federith, Mowat, Oliphant.

TURNBULL Turnbull, Trumbull, Trimble, Rule.

WATSON [according to Elaine Watson Qualley, President, Clan Watson Society International]

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Copyrighted © 1996 by Don Chesnut.